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Mark's Projects

I've collected all the projects I have had a hand in building. While I have also been a part of some great companies, the projects on this page I have directly had a hand in, from idea to bringing them to market.

The Seeker, 2023-Present

The Seeker wants to make it easy to find the right job and the right talent, fast. Acceleration is our goal. 

I am a co-founder of this project and lead our product development for our job seeker product, customer discovery interview and research, email marketing, and community engagement.  

the seeker icon - bue and yellow background.png

Spool, 2021-Present

Spool helps couples and roommates better manage responsibilities in their personal life and around the house. 


I am a co-founder and lead our product development, customer discovery, UX design and marketing efforts.   


Burn, 2014-2016

Burn was a group messaging app focused on removing the noise in group chats. To achieve this goal, every conversation lasted for a user-designated period of time. When that time was met, everything in the conversation would "burn" away, and only the pinned content would live on.  

I was one of four co-founders, and I focused on product development, customer discovery, UX design, and marketing efforts, and I raised our seed funding.


diffr3nt, 2012-2014

diffr3nt was an iPhone and iPad accessories company. Our initial product brought a wallet to the iPhone case and was handmade in CT using unused fabric left over from boating covers. 

I was one of the co-founders, I designed the original diffr3nt case, ran marketing and partnered with a manufacturing company in CT to build the diffr3nt case. 

diffr3nt_wallet_selector 2.jpg
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